The art of making customers happy

So what is The art of making customers happy? From the looks of it, sometimes people think that being a DJ is an easy and kick back job but there is a lot more to it than just playing music for people. There is a lot of planning that goes behind picking the right music for your particular customer and ensuring that you have communicated every step of the way with them as to what you will need at their location and times during which you will be providing DJ services.

Preparing music based on their quick list is somewhat of an art. Is the human way figuring out what they might like based on what the customer gave you. While at the party, it is also a skill to be able to feel the crowd for what they’re liking and enjoying.

In summary, we pre-plan prior to the party and improvise during the party based on the vibe. Of course, we fill requests as our objective is to deliver an experience that everyone enjoys. Such is the case with our latest Halloween party, our customer was so happy that we received this post through email after we thank her for her business. This is what makes our day!

Halloween party customer review